
In order to produce Data/MC plots from the .coffea output file a dedicated script is implemented.

The plotting procedure is managed by several classes each targeting a specific task:

  • Shape: for each histogram a Shape object is instantiated, storing all the relevant metadata and parameters.

  • SystUnc: manages the systematic uncertainties. For each systematic uncertainty, a SystUnc object is instantiated. The up/down variations are stored in this object. These objects can be summed with each other to get their sum in quadrature.

  • PlotManager: manages and stores several Shape objects to produce plots in all possible categories, exploiting multiprocessing.

  • SystManager: manages several systematic uncertainties to get the total systematic uncertainty or MCstat only.

Produce data/MC plots#

Once the output .coffea file has been produced, plots can be generated by executing the plotting script. There are three possible way of executing it:

  1. By default, this command will read the output and configuration files from the current working directory (./): output_all.coffea is the default input file, parameters_dump.yaml is the default config file with all analysis parameters and ./plots is the default output folder where the plots are saved.

  2. --input_dir $INPUT_DIR In this case, the input folder is passed as an input: output_all.coffea, parameters_dump.yaml are read from this folder and the plots are saved in the folder $INPUT_DIR/plots

  3. --input_dir $INPUT_DIR -i my_coffea_output.coffea --cfg parameters_dump.yaml -o plots_test -op plotting_style.yaml In this case, the default input files are overridden by providing the additional following arguments:

  • -i: Input .coffea file with histograms.

  • --cfg: .yaml file with all the analysis parameters (usually the parameters_dump.yaml file)

  • -o: Output folder where the plots are saved.

  • -op: .yaml file with plotting parameters to overwrite the default parameters (see details below).

Note that if --input_dir is not passed, the default value ./ will be assumed for the input folder.

Other optional arguments are:

  • -j: Number of workers used for plotting

  • --only_cat: Filter categories with a list of strings

  • --only_syst: Filter systematics with a list of strings

  • --exclude_hist: Exclude histograms with a list of regular expressions

  • --only_hist: Filter histograms with a list of regular expressions

  • --split_systematics: Split systematic uncertainties in the ratio plot

  • --partial_unc_band: Plot only the partial uncertainty band corresponding to the systematics specified as the argument only_syst

  • --overwrite: If the output folder is already existing, overwrite its content

  • --log: Set y-axis scale to log

  • --density: Set density parameter to have a normalized plot

  • --verbose: Tells how much printing is done. 0 - for minimal, 2- for a lot (useful for debugging).

Plotting parameters#

The parameters of the default plotting style can be overwritten with a new config, provided with an additional argument to the script with --overwrite_parameters plot_config.yaml (also -op for short).

The structure of the additional .yaml config file has to be the following:


        TTToSemiLeptonic: "$t\\bar{t}$ semilep."
        TTTo2L2Nu : "$t\\bar{t}$ dilepton"

        TTTo2L2Nu: [0.51, 0.79, 1.0]
        TTToSemiLeptonic: [1.0, 0.71, 0.24]

           - TTTo2L2Nu
           - TTToSemiLeptonic

        - TTToHadronic

	    ttbar: 1.12
	    DY_LO: 1.33

User can define custom labels for the MC samples and a custom coloring scheme. Additionally, the Data and MC samples can be merged between each other by specifying a dictionary of samples in the samples_groups key. In the example above, a single sample ttbar will be plotted by merging the samples TTTo2L2Nu and TTToSemiLeptonic. Certain samples can be excluded from plotting with exclude_samples key. One could also rescale certain samples by a multiplicative factor, using the rescale_samples keys.