
Apptainer image#

The best way to use the PocketCoffea package is using the prebuilt apptainer images. This method is particulary important if you need to run the Dask scheduler on HTCondor. An apptainer (also called singularity) image is just a virtual environment which isolate your code in a well defined environment with the correct python packages and dependecies. For more information and for a comprehensive tutorial on apptainer have a look at the HSF tutorial.

A Docker image containing a python environment with the PocketCoffea package is automatically build by the GitLab repository CD/CI for different versions of the code. The image registry is here, and it can be used directly with Docker.

Maintained versions:

  • main: the main branch is the freshest code and it is installed in *-latest images.

  • stable: after more extensive tests the main branch is pushed to the stable branch and installed in *-stable images (recommended).

  • tagged: each tagged version of the code is installed in a specific version of the image.

Docker images are created for different computing environment such as lxplus and analysis facilities. The docker image is then unpacked to a Apptainer image which is available on cvmfs.


The apptainer images on /cvmfs is the preferred way to setup the environment, both for running user’s analysis and for local development.

Using Apptainer to run the analysis#

If you are working on CERN lxplus and you will scale your processing on HTCondor, follow this installation instructions. The same strategy can be used in other computing environment, either with the same image or with customized ones (please get in touch if you need a specific environment).

The apptainer environment is activated on lxplus with the following command:

apptainer shell --bind /afs -B /cvmfs/ \
                --bind /tmp  --bind /eos/cms/ \
                -B ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}  --env KRB5CCNAME=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/krb5cc \

N.B.: The command to start the apptainer image has changed when lxplus moved to the el9 machines by default. The difference is about the handling of the kerberos ticket necessary to access to the condor scheduler. The new apptainer shell command above setups correctly the environment.

The last part of the command contains the image version on unpacked: cms-analysis/general/pocketcoffea:lxplus-cc7-stable. The stable version is the recommended one to stay up-to-date with the development without the rought edges of the main branch.

Once inside the environment no installation is needed. The PocketCoffea scripts are globally available and the user’s analysis can be run directly.

If a specific image is needed for a computing environment, more flavours of the docker/apptainer image can be built. Please get in touch!


You can test if the environment has been properly setup by running the pocket-coffea CLI.

$> pocket-coffea 

    ____             __        __  ______      ________
   / __ \____  _____/ /_____  / /_/ ____/___  / __/ __/__  ____ _
  / /_/ / __ \/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ __/ /   / __ \/ /_/ /_/ _ \/ __ `/
 / ____/ /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /_/ /___/ /_/ / __/ __/  __/ /_/ /
/_/    \____/\___/_/|_|\___/\__/\____/\____/_/ /_/  \___/\__,_/

Running PocketCoffea version 0.8.0
- Documentation page:
- Repository:

Run with --help option for the list of available commands 

Using Apptainer for local development#

If the user needs to modify locally the central PocketCoffea code, the apptainer image can still be used as a baseline (for dependencies), but a local installation of the package is needed. Follow the instructions:

#Enter the image
apptainer shell --bind /afs -B /cvmfs/ \
         --bind /tmp  --bind /eos/cms/ \
         -B ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}  --env KRB5CCNAME=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/krb5cc \

# Clone locally the PocketCoffea repo
git clone
cd PocketCoffea

# Create a local virtual environment using the packages defined in the apptainer image
python -m venv --system-site-packages myenv

# Activate the environment
source myenv/bin/activate

# Install in EDITABLE mode
pip install -e .[dev]

The next time the user enters in the apptainer the virtual environment needs to be activated.

#Enter the image
apptainer shell  -B /afs -B /cvmfs/ -B /tmp  -B /eos/cms/  \
                 -B /etc/sysconfig/ngbauth-submit  \
                 -B ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}  --env KRB5CCNAME=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/krb5cc 

# Activate the virtual environment
cd PocketCoffea
source myenv/bin/activate

Setup the job submission with local core changes

N.B.: In order to properly propagated the local environment and local code changes to jobs running on condor through Dask the user needs to setup the executor options properly with the local-virtualenv: true options. Checkout the running instructions for more details.

Vanilla python package#

The PocketCoffea package has been published on Pypi. It can be installed with

$ pip install pocket-coffea

Using the apptainer image is the recommened way of working with the package (on lxplus).

Manual installation in a Python environment#

If you don’t need to run on batch systems, but only locally, the package can be installed in the python environment of your choice: conda, virtualenv, venv, LCG.

  1. Clone the repository in your preferred location:

git clone
  1. Now define the python environment using alternatively a virtual env, or conda:

    a) The user can use a LCG environment as a base (to avoid having to download many packages) with a virtual environment on top:

    source /cvmfs/
    python -m venv --system-site-packages myenv
    source myenv/bin/activate

    The creation of the venv is necessary only the first time, then you can just activate it:

    source /cvmfs/
    source myenv/bin/activate

    c) A conda environment: micromamba is the recommended version of conda to use: it is lighter and faster than a conda/miniconda environment.

    # Install micromamba
    curl | bash
    micromamba create -n pocket-coffea python=3.9 -c conda-forge
    micromamba activate pocket-coffea
  2. Install the PocketCoffea package locally, so that you can also edit the package files:

    cd PocketCoffea
    pip install -e .
    # For developers
    pip install -e .[dev,docs]


Installing the package in a CMSSW environment is not recommended and it is expected to fail.